Bronx native “TOXXX” delivers another street anthem in 2020 and provides a lyrical formula of success with “SIDE BITCH.” “SIDE BITCH” is an epic street ballad of a ryder infused with Millennial music energy.
Toxxx puts a twist on the role of the standard ‘Side Bitch’ and empowers with a message of loyalty and independence. “TOXXX” born gift of musical instinct enables him to paint vivid pictures designed for a targeted listening audience.
“TOXXX” dark intensity and matchless wordplay create a musical fantasy island. The words of “TOXXX” resonates with the hearts of every young hustler focused on securing their own “Black American Dream.” “TOXXX” music originates from the gritty housing projects in Bronx, New York, and his journey is not for the light-hearted. “SIDE BITCH” proves the legend of “TOXXX” is just beginning.