DaCyfer is focused on music, legacy, and family in 2024

DaCyfer is focused on music, legacy, and family in 2024

Photo by Daniel Seßler on Unsplash 

Creating a Legacy is a sacred assignment in life.  

Crafting a legacy becomes more significant and intentional as the sands of time slip away. Reflecting on your past while charting your legacy is a profoundly surreal journey. Time relentlessly marches forward, never back, and moments once passed cannot be reclaimed. Recognizing the significance and value of your purpose in life shapes the direction of your destiny. 

Believing in yourself during life’s most perilous, uncertain, and darkest periods fortifies you with resilience. Faith is forged in the crucible of fire and desperation. 

Walking by faith is a path seldom chosen by ordinary individuals. The light of leadership illuminates a divine route reserved for exceptional beings. These exceptional beings comprehend the profound language of sacrifice, discipline, and humanity. 

DaCyfer is a natural-born pioneer.  

Entrepreneur and Recording Artist DaCyfer stands as one of the most influential voices in Millennial music culture. For over ten years, DaCyfer has crafted and shared soul-stirring audio works that have expanded the creative boundaries of Hip-Hop. As a highly skilled music producer and engineer, DaCyfer’s connection to music is deeply spiritual, psychological, and personal. 

Entrepreneur and recording artist DaCyfer’s body of work features a unique fusion of soul, unbridled energy, passionate vocals, and exquisite musical arrangements. His extraordinary skill in blending emotions and aspirations into his music sets him apart. 

As we reach the mid-point of 2024, DaCyfer is broadening his multimedia enterprise by incorporating various interactive segments, such as global merchandising and a record label. This expansion will see his corporate headquarters operating both nationally and globally. 

Stretching from Germany to Los Angeles, DaCyfer’s brand presence is felt everywhere. His future legacy is solidifying, ensuring that his name will resonate across all seven continents. 

Boosie Badazz: Airing Family Drama through Music 

Boosie Badazz: Airing Family Drama through Music 

Renowned musician Boosie Badazz is no stranger to controversy. His recent single, Ungrateful, has shone a spotlight on his ongoing family disputes. In the song, Boosie takes aim at his daughter and her mother, expressing his disappointment and disdain. His frustrations have bubbled over into his music, resulting in a raw and emotionally charged track. 

Image: Boosie Badazz at the BET Hip Hop Awards 2019. Photo by Carmen Mandato/Getty Images 

The Controversial Track: Ungrateful 

In the third verse of Ungrateful, Boosie, a native of Baton Rouge, openly criticizes the mother of his child. His lyrics don’t hold back, expressing his anger towards her for seeking child support. This is despite his recent grand gesture of gifting his daughter a new car for her birthday. 

Lyrics: “Baby mama, she done hit me with the child support/Ol’ dirty-ass b***h ’bout to lie in court,” 

Boosie raps these lines with palpable irritation, linking her actions to his choice to reclaim the birthday present in retaliation for her “ungrateful” act. 

Rapping Out His Displeasure 

Boosie doesn’t hesitate to uncover alleged secrets from her past. His lyrics paint a picture of a turbulent relationship, filled with resentment and disappointment. 

Lyrics: “Well, that AMG Benz I’ma need that back/ Won’t play it like that, you ain’t ’bout to keep that” 

Boosie asserts his intent to retrieve the car he had gifted, reflecting his displeasure with the situation. He continues to air out his grievances, not mincing his words as he expresses his contempt. 

A Daughter Disowned 

The drama doesn’t end there. Boosie addresses his daughter in the song, expressing his shock at her choice of words towards him. Despite his efforts and sacrifices for her, she had publicly insulted him. His disappointment is clear in his lyrics. 

Lyrics: “Cut off my daughter for life, your ungrateful ass,”  

He states this towards the end of the song, reflecting his disbelief at the unfolding situation. 

The Album: Goin Thru Some Thangs 

Ungrateful is a part of Boosie’s new album, Goin Thru Some Thangs. The album was released earlier this month, and this song comes in the wake of a public disagreement between Boosie and his daughter, Tori. 

Image: Boosie Badazz at the BET Hip Hop Awards 2017. Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for BET 

The disagreement was sparked when Boosie decided to take back the Benz he had gifted her for her 16th birthday. Tori retaliated with negative comments about him. However, Boosie defended his actions, pointing out the flaws in her mother’s parenting. 

A Father’s Refutation 

Boosie took to social media to elucidate his side of the story. He emphasized his role as a father and provider, contrasting it with the checkered history of Tori’s mother. 

Boosie’s Statement: “I’ve always taken care of my children,”  

He mentioned this in a lengthy post, highlighting the lifestyle he provided for his daughter. He expressed his disappointment at his daughter’s words, given that she had recently enjoyed shopping sprees and a comfortable life, thanks to him. 

He further criticized Tori’s mother, mentioning her numerous arrests and jail stints. Boosie stated that he tried to raise his daughter differently, to not follow in her mother’s footsteps. 

Family of Man Eaten Alive by Bed Bugs in Fulton County Jail Reaches $4 Million Settlement

Family of Man Eaten Alive by Bed Bugs in Fulton County Jail Reaches $4 Million Settlement

A tragic tale of negligence and suffering has culminated in a landmark resolution as the family of Lashawn Thompson, a 35-year-old man who endured a horrifying fate while in custody, reaches a settlement of $4 million with the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia.

Lashawn Thompson’s distressing demise within the confines of a jail cell, where he was left to be consumed by bed bugs, sent shockwaves through the nation. The recent settlement is a poignant reminder of the magnitude of the tragedy and the urgent need for accountability within the criminal justice system.

The circumstances surrounding Thompson’s death are chillingly disturbing. According to an autopsy report, the causes listed include “dehydration, malnutrition, severe body insect infestation,” and the haunting presence of “untreated decompensated schizophrenia.” These conditions collectively paint a grim picture of a man who was not only physically abandoned but also denied essential medical and psychological care.

The journey to this settlement has been fraught with pain and heartache for Thompson’s family. His death occurred within a mental health ward at Fulton County Jail on September 13, 2022, a mere three months following his arrest on misdemeanor simple battery charges. The tragedy speaks to the critical need for comprehensive reform in how individuals with mental health challenges are treated within the criminal justice system.

The settlement sends a resounding message about the responsibilities borne by institutions to ensure the safety, health, and dignity of those under their care. Michael Harper, an attorney representing Thompson’s family, affirmed that no statement regarding the settlement will be released. This outcome serves as a powerful testament to the quest for justice in the face of profound adversity.

Nonetheless, this heart-wrenching event has not occurred in isolation. Just recently, the U.S. Department of Justice initiated an inquiry into the living conditions at Fulton County Jail, underlining a broader concern. This investigation was triggered by a series of troubling reports detailing inmate abuse and neglect. The announcement underscores the dire need for comprehensive oversight and reforms to prevent future instances of such flagrant neglect and abuse.

“Fulton County and the Sheriff’s Office have been made aware of a civil rights investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice to examine conditions at the Fulton County Jail and will be cooperating fully with the investigation,” read a joint statement from Fulton County officials and the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office.

As the legal system grapples with the aftermath of this devastating incident, the settlement underscores the imperative for accountability, transparency, and the unwavering protection of human rights. The legacy of Lashawn Thompson remains a touching testament, underscoring the vital principle that every person, irrespective of their situation, merits to be treated with honor and consideration. Moving ahead, our course must be one of transformation, empathy, and an unwavering dedication to preventing the recurrence of such a heartrending tragedy.

Black Food Truck Owner’s Family Hires Lawyer to Investigate Assault and Police Response 

Black Food Truck Owner’s Family Hires Lawyer to Investigate Assault and Police Response 

Photo by Domino on Unsplash 

In a disturbing incident that has sparked outrage within the community, the family of a Black food truck owner has enlisted the services of a lawyer to probe an assault and examine the response of law enforcement officials. Darell Preston, the victim of the attack, was targeted by a white man, leading to heightened concerns regarding racial violence and the need for justice. 

Alicia Montgomery, the attorney representing Darell Preston, expressed deep concern over the assault and its profound impact on the community. The incident has left residents shaken and incited a collective call for action. Montgomery’s involvement signals a determined effort to uncover the truth and hold the perpetrator accountable. 

The assault has drawn attention to the broader issue of racial tensions and highlights the urgent need for a thorough investigation. The family’s decision to seek legal representation reflects their commitment to pursuing justice and shedding light on any potential negligence or misconduct in the officers’ response. 

The brutal attack on Darell Preston highlights the persistent struggles of Black people in everyday situations. It calls for systemic reform to eliminate racial inequalities and protect the rights and dignity of all community members. 

The community is looking for answers and justice as the investigation continues. The incident has united local residents in their determination to combat racial injustice and promote a society where everyone can live without fear of violence or discrimination. 

The hiring of a dedicated attorney marks a significant step forward in seeking justice for Darell Preston and sending a powerful message that acts of violence rooted in racism will not be tolerated. The community stands firmly in solidarity with the victim and his family, demanding accountability and meaningful change. 

A Texas Family’s Struggle in the Aftermath of Road Rage

A Texas Family’s Struggle in the Aftermath of Road Rage

In a disconcerting incident that unfolded on Texas roads, a family’s tranquility was shattered when a road rage altercation escalated into a disturbing display of aggression, complete with alleged racial slurs and a menacing display of firearms. As we delve into this distressing episode, we shed light on the emotional turmoil experienced by the victims, their resilience, and the urgent need for awareness and change. Paraphrased Excerpt: A Texas family finds themselves caught in a harrowing ordeal after an incident of road rage spirals out of control, culminating in the menacing presence of a gun-wielding individual. The victim, choosing to remain anonymous, breathed a sigh of relief as the surveillance footage from a nearby gas station captured a significant portion of the traumatic encounter.

A Terrifying Confrontation:

On a fateful Tuesday (June 20), an African American woman in Texas became the target of an alarming incident that would forever etch itself into her memory. Following a minor collision, Kevin Roth, a 30-year-old man, pursued her relentlessly to a gas station, brandishing a firearm along the way. The victim, her emotions teetering on the edge, would soon discover the true depths of the threat she faced. The Weight of Surveillance: Amid the chaos and fear, the gas station’s surveillance cameras became an inadvertent ally, capturing pivotal moments that would provide crucial evidence of the perpetrator’s actions. The victim’s decision to remain unidentified is a testament to the anxiety and vulnerability felt by marginalized communities in the aftermath of such traumatizing encounters.

Navigating Trauma:

Instances like these force us to confront the lasting impact of racially charged violence. While the victim’s name remains concealed, her experience serves as a stark reminder of the countless individuals who endure similar ordeals, often without the benefit of video evidence. It is through their courage and resilience that we gain insight into the urgent need to address the systemic issues that perpetuate such incidents. Fighting Injustice: In the face of adversity, communities affected by racial discrimination and violence continue to advocate for change. Paraphrasing testimonials and anecdotes, we strive to encapsulate their collective struggle without directly quoting specific individuals. These narratives emphasize the lasting trauma inflicted by racial hostility and the urgent necessity to dismantle the deeply entrenched biases that enable it.

A Call for Awareness and Transformation:

This distressing incident prompts us to reevaluate the importance of fostering awareness and education around issues of racial justice. By shedding light on personal experiences and promoting empathy, we can work towards eradicating the pervasive prejudice that plagues our society. It is only through comprehensive change, both in individual attitudes and systemic reform, that we can hope to create a safer and more inclusive world. Conclusion: The road rage incident that unfolded in Texas serves as a haunting reminder of the alarming presence of racial animosity in our communities. As we reflect on the trauma endured by the victims, we are compelled to stand united against racism and violence. By amplifying their experiences, fostering empathy, and driving transformative change, we can strive to create a future where such incidents become relics of the past, and social justice prevails.