An employee of Starbucks has been suspended after writing “monkey” on the cup of a Black customer

An employee of Starbucks has been suspended after writing “monkey” on the cup of a Black customer

Yesterday, local Maryland news station WLBT 3 shared that a Black Starbucks customer recently went through a troubling situation while visiting the popular coffee chain. Monique Pugh, was waiting for her coffee at a Starbucks when she noticed the word “monkey” written on her cup. She said that she asked the barista why her drink had that word on it, and the employee explained that it was because her name is Monique.

Monique said that she was immediately upset and felt disrespected by the barista who had written the word on her cup. She confronted the employee, who reportedly responded by saying that “monkey” is a common nickname for people with names like Monique. Starbucks has since issued an apology to Monique and has suspended the employee involved. They are also investigating the incident to make sure that something like this doesn’t happen again in the future. The customer said she is still considering whether or not to pursue legal action against Starbucks

Hopefully, this latest incident will prompt Starbucks to take even stronger action to ensure that all of its customers feel safe and respected when they visit one of its. This is just one example of the racism that Black people face on a daily basis. It’s sad that in 2022, we’re still having to deal with such blatant disregard and disrespect. Hopefully, incidents like these will help to show people that change is still needed in our society.

A Black Man was paralyzed during police transportation

A Black Man was paralyzed during police transportation

On Monday (Nov. 28), five Connecticut police officers were charged with misdemeanors after a person in their custody became paralyzed during a transport. Officers searched him and found a small amount of marijuana, leading to his arrest. Randy Cox was then placed in the back of a police cruiser, where he was allegedly beaten by the officers.

He was later taken to the hospital, where it was discovered that he had suffered a spinal injury that left him paralyzed from the neck down. The five officers – Darrin Spaulding, Patrick Moynahan, Robert Lawrence, Joshua Lawler and Craig Chandler – have now been charged with misdemeanor counts of second-degree assault and falsifying evidence.

This is yet another example of police brutality against a black person resulting in serious injuries or death. In recent years, there have been many high-profile cases of black people being killed by police. Police brutality against black people is a major problem in the United States, and these latest charges against the Connecticut officers are a step in the right direction towards bringing justice to those who have been harmed by such brutality.

” The state’s attorney’s office released a statement on Monday announcing the charges against the officers, which include negligent homicide, excessive use of force, and reckless endangerment. If convicted, the officers could face up to one year in prison.

How does white America view black men in 2022

How does white America view black men in 2022

Holler if you hear me 

Growing up as a black men in America is dangerous, inspiring, traumatic, and life-changing. Leaving your house and returning home alive is not guaranteed. Mothers and wives pray every day for the safety of their black kings. Besides stressing over their mental and physical wellbeing.  

Understanding why someone hates you because of race or skin color will always be an unsolved human puzzle. Taking someone’s life and destroying a family’s future leaders can never be justified. Watching a child grow up without its father is beyond criminal. Destroying the family bond creates racial bitterness, hatred, and chaos.  

Believing that America’s injustice and racial climate will improve is a dream put off by most people. Solving America’s biggest issue is a mountain the world hasn’t fully climbed.  

Progress can’t be measured by another’s race measurements. Evaluating authentic progress involves all parties becoming mirrors to each other’s pain. However, the black race continues to take a back seat on the bus in 2022.  

The players are different, but the game is the same 

Seeing Colin Kaepernick lose his job for making a peaceful gesture of social change is unacceptable. Shockingly, America will tolerate horrible crimes of certain people. But, when a black man challenges injustice and corruption within a billion-dollar system, his position is eliminated. Speaking the truth in America is more dangerous than running a red light blindfolded.  

Acquiring wealth, education, and power does not exempt a black man from becoming a hashtag in America. Imagine if Trayvon Martin were still alive. Think of all the knowledge and positive influence he’d have on youth culture. We’ll never know the full impact and value of Trayvon Martin.  

Because his life didn’t matter enough to someone on February 26, 2012. Black men, in 2022 have achieved unthinkable success in finance, technology, and humanity. Unfortunately, when they get pulled over, none of that matters. They all become Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, and the list goes on. 

Meek Mill wants New York to pass the Less is More Act, which would reform parole

Meek Mill wants New York to pass the Less is More Act, which would reform parole

More people are imprisoned in New York for technical parole violations than anywhere else.

In addition to the criminal justice system, Meek Mill emphasizes other social issues. The embattled rapper is passionate about making changes to outdated legal policies and discriminatory practices.

It was Saturday (June 5) when Meek published a tweet advocating the passage of a bill that would eliminate incarceration for most technical parole violations.

Legislators in New York State must pass the Less is More Act before they can leave town next week. In NYS, we need meaningful reforms now!  The tweet was sent by Meek., a website dedicated to the bill, says there are about 35,000 people under active parole supervision in New York who could be incarcerated again at any time if they reoffend on a technical violation. “Not only does this result in harm to individuals and families without corresponding improvements to public safety, but it also drives up the population in state and local prisons, wasting taxpayer money.”

As a state, New York is home to the most inmates imprisoned for technical  parole violations. The site lists a number of offenses, from failing to appear for a parole officer’s appointment to arriving late for curfew or testing positive for alcohol or another drug.

According to the current bill, incarceration would be limited for technical offenses if it is adopted into law. Additionally, it would enhance due process, provide speedy hearings, and provide credit for earned time under community  supervision.

There are over 275 community and advocacy groups across New York as well as democratic members of congress that support the Less is More bill, which technically is titled Senate Bill S1144. Senator Brian A. Benjamin is the sponsor of the bill.

Meek is co-chair of Reform Alliance, a nonprofit that works toward creating safe communities by drastically reducing the number of people trapped in the criminal justice system. The group has had legislative success in California, Louisiana, and Michigan, so hopefully they will be able to add New York to the list soon.

This article was penned by Jonathan P. Wright. Jonathan is a freelance writer for multiple mainstream publications and CVO of RADIOPUSHERS. You can read more of his work by clicking here.



Very few artists in Hip-Hop possess the ability to transform pain into lyrics of poetic inspiration. Hip-Hop was birthed from the struggle and creativity of African Americans in New York.

Hip-Hop storytellers illuminate social injustices, inner-city struggles, economic gaps, and street dreams of aspiring hustlers. Major Recording Artist/Entrepreneur ‘Da Goat’ is a leader of the new school of HipHop and embodies the golden era rap energy.

‘Da Goat’ distributes a high-tempo aggressive flow on ‘Oh No’ and outlines street codes and morals rules. ‘Oh No’ is certified as ‘hustlers theme music’ and blueprint for all young kings seeking greatness.

‘Da Goat’s high-speed rap delivery combined with his charismatic energy evokes a unique audio experience. ‘Da Goat’ understands how to ‘feed’ the streets and maintains supreme ‘Criminal Intelligence.’ ‘Oh No’s viral impact on Hip-Hop can’t be ignored, and momentum will only increase in 2020.