
Colorado hotel employees racially profiled Mark Curry

by | Dec 19, 2022 | Latest, Social Justice | 0 comments

Since comedian Mark Curry went public with his story of being racially profiled by staff at The Mining Exchange A Wyndham Grand Hotel & Spa in Colorado, he has been flooded with support from fans and fellow celebrities. Mark Curry recounted the incident on “The D.L. Hughley Show,” alleging that he was asked to show multiple forms of ID before being allowed to enter the hotel lobby. When he asked why he was being singled out, Mark Curry claims the employee told him it was because he “fit the description” of someone who had been causing trouble at the hotel.

The comedian said he was “shocked” and “humiliated” by the encounter and has since filed a complaint with the hotel. He also praised the show’s host, D.L. Hughley, for speaking out about similar experiences he’s had with racial profiling. The outpouring of support for Curry has been overwhelming, with many people taking to social media to express their outrage at the treatment he allegedly received.

ome have even vowed to boycott the hotel until they issue a public apology to Mark Curry and implement policies to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. It’s clear that this story has struck a nerve with many people, and it’s great to see so many people standing up for what’s right.

Mark Curry shared his story on social media, and it quickly went viral. He has since been inundated with messages of support from people all over the world. The Mining Exchange A Wyndham Grand Hotel & Spa has issued a statement saying they are “deeply troubled” by the incident and are conducting an investigation. They have also reached out to Curry to apologize and offer him a free stay at the hotel.

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