
Contacting Eminem: An Impossible Task For Joyner Lucas

by | Mar 29, 2024 | Latest, Music News | 0 comments

Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash

In an intriguing development in the music world, Joyner Lucas, the revered rapper from Massachusetts, recently shed light on the significant challenges he faces when trying to communicate with fellow rapper and collaborator, Eminem. During a candid conversation on The Breakfast Club, Lucas compared the difficulty of reaching Eminem to the task of trying to get former President Barack Obama on the phone.

The Challenge of Contacting Eminem

Getting on the phone with him, you could probably hop on the phone with Barack [Obama] quicker than you could hop on the phone with Marshall“, Joyner Lucas shared.

This statement, given by Lucas, serves to highlight the level of difficulty involved in reaching Eminem for a conversation. Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, reportedly maintains a high level of privacy, even when dealing with fellow musicians.

Joyner Lucas on The Breakfast Club

During his appearance on The Breakfast Club, Lucas emphasized the necessity for musicians of his stature to be cautious when interacting with individuals who may have questionable motives. In this context, he described his experiences attempting to connect with Eminem. According to Lucas, Eminem’s phone calls are typically initiated by an assistant via a 1-800 number, complete with hold music and a request for patience while Eminem comes to the phone.

Eminem’s Uniqueness

This method of communication, as described by Lucas, underscores the uniqueness of Eminem’s approach to maintaining his privacy. As Lucas explains, it is nearly impossible to obtain Eminem’s personal number, making him a highly inaccessible figure within the music industry.

Lucas’ Perceptions

Lucas further elaborated on his observations of Eminem’s behavior during their collaboration for the 2018 single “Lucky You”. He recalled how Eminem maintained a certain distance, appearing somewhat aloof during their interactions.

The Influence of Eminem’s Past

Lucas’ conversation with another of Eminem’s long-time colleagues, Royce Da 5’9″, shed light on the reasons behind Eminem’s guarded nature. It appears that past experiences have left Eminem wary of forming new connections, leading to his current approach to interpersonal interactions.

Understanding Eminem

Upon reflecting on his own experiences within the music industry, Lucas expressed a newfound understanding of Eminem’s approach to maintaining his privacy. The challenges and experiences that come with fame and success in the music industry can make it difficult to trust new acquaintances and form new friendships.

Maintaining Privacy in the Music Industry

In the world of music and entertainment, maintaining privacy can often be a complex task. The experiences shared by Joyner Lucas highlight the lengths that some artists, like Eminem, will go to protect their personal space and privacy.

The Parallels to President Obama

The comparison made by Lucas between contacting Eminem and former President Barack Obama serves to underline the level of privacy maintained by Eminem. It also adds a touch of humor to the scenario, given the widely acknowledged difficulty of reaching a former President.

The Significance of Privacy

In today’s digital age, where personal information can easily be shared and exploited, the importance of maintaining privacy cannot be overstated. Eminem’s approach to managing his personal communications serves as a notable example of privacy preservation in the public sphere.

Lucas’ Message to Fellow Musicians

Lucas’ shared experiences serve as a reminder to fellow musicians about the importance of maintaining personal boundaries and ensuring their privacy. This is especially vital for artists who, like Lucas and Eminem, are constantly in the public eye and subject to intense scrutiny.

The Future of Collaborations

While Eminem’s approach to privacy might seem extreme to some, it does not appear to have negatively impacted his collaborations with other artists. His work with Lucas on “Lucky You” is a testament to this fact.


The anecdotes shared by Joyner Lucas provide a fascinating insight into the world of Eminem. They reveal a man who values his privacy, and who has implemented unique methods to protect it. These revelations underscore the often overlooked challenges that musicians face in maintaining their personal boundaries amidst the demands of fame.

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