Marcus Smart recalls Boston Celtics fan calling him the n-word

Marcus Smart recalls Boston Celtics fan calling him the n-word
Recently, Marcus Smart- Boston Celtics player- has spoken about his experiences related to racism, the Coronavirus, playing and living inside the NBA’s Florida “bubble” and so much more in a new Players’ Tribune piece, “This Article Is Not About Basketball.” Smart revealed that he is reminded of his ow trysts with racism as the country continues to hold protests seeking social justice.
“When I was a sophomore at Oklahoma State, a fan decided that it was perfectly O.K. for him to call me the n-word after I fell into the seats during a game,” he wrote. He spoke about many more incidents and highlighted that racism is taught and it is not something one is born with.
people will do anything to get under your skin
Being a professional you can’t react to what patrons do.
Sometimes one response will cost you your whole career and it isn’t fair.