Civil Rights Group Challenges Harvard University’s Legacy Admissions, Alleging Discrimination

Civil Rights Group Challenges Harvard University’s Legacy Admissions, Alleging Discrimination

Harvard University, renowned globally for its esteemed academic standing, is currently under examination for its utilization of legacy admissions procedures. A civil rights group has filed a complaint against the university, alleging that legacy admissions perpetuate discrimination against people of color while providing preferential treatment to predominantly white children of alumni.

According to “The Associated Press”, the complaint filed by civil rights activists raises important questions about equity and fairness in higher education. The organization questions the rationale behind rewarding individuals solely based on the privileges and advantages inherited from prior generations. They argue that such practices hinder the pursuit of a truly diverse and inclusive student body.

The issue of legacy admissions has gained renewed attention in the wake of the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling, which has sparked concerns about the future of higher education. With this ruling in mind, the civil rights group is taking action, aiming to address what they perceive as systemic inequalities in college admissions.

Legacy admissions refer to the practice of granting preferential treatment to applicants who have family ties to the university. While supporters argue that legacy preferences foster a sense of community and encourage philanthropy, critics argue that these preferences perpetuate socio-economic disparities and limit opportunities for underrepresented groups.

The civil rights activists contend that legacy admissions at Harvard University disproportionately advantage white students, creating an unlevel playing field for students from marginalized communities. According to their argument, this practice directly challenges the fundamental ideals of meritocracy and equal opportunity that should form the bedrock of the admissions process. They contend that by engaging in such practices, the principles of evaluating individuals based on their abilities and qualifications are compromised, creating a system that unfairly favors certain factors over others. In their view, this departure from merit-based assessment hampers the pursuit of a truly equitable and fair admissions process. Harvard University, known for its commitment to academic excellence, is now faced with addressing the allegations brought forth by the civil rights group.

As the nation grapples with the implications of the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action, the actions taken by this civil rights group shed light on the larger issues surrounding access and fairness in college admissions. Their complaint raises important questions about the role of legacy admissions in perpetuating systemic discrimination and calls for a reevaluation of these practices.

The outcome of this complaint and the ensuing dialogue could have significant implications not only for Harvard University but also for the broader landscape of higher education. It is a pivotal moment for institutions to critically examine their admissions policies and strive for greater equity and inclusivity.

Harvard University’s response to this complaint will undoubtedly shape its future and send a powerful message about its commitment to diversity and social justice. The outcome will reverberate beyond the university’s walls, influencing conversations about admissions practices and the pursuit of equal opportunities in higher education.

US Education Department Probes Harvard’s Legacy Admissions Amid Discrimination Allegations 

US Education Department Probes Harvard’s Legacy Admissions Amid Discrimination Allegations 

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash 

The US Education Department has launched an investigation into Harvard University’s legacy admissions practices following allegations of discrimination. The inquiry was prompted by a complaint filed by a civil rights group, raising concerns about fairness and equity in the admissions process at the prestigious Ivy League institution. 

Legacy admissions refer to the practice of giving preferential treatment to the children of alumni during the college admissions process. While legacy preferences have been a longstanding tradition at many universities, they have also faced criticism for perpetuating privilege and reinforcing inequities in higher education. 

Harvard University, like other institutions, has faced scrutiny over its legacy admissions policies in recent years. The civil rights group’s complaint brought attention to the potential discrimination against applicants from underrepresented and marginalized backgrounds, who may face barriers in gaining admission compared to legacy applicants. 

The US Education Department’s investigation aims to determine whether Harvard’s legacy admissions practices comply with federal laws and uphold principles of equal opportunity. The examination comes in the wake of a recent ruling by the nation’s highest court, which has implications for affirmative action and diversity in college admissions. 

In response to the investigation, Harvard University has taken proactive steps to review its admission policies. A spokesperson for the institution emphasized their commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse student body, and ensuring that doors to opportunity remain open to students from all walks of life. 

The scrutiny over legacy admissions reflects broader debates about access and fairness in higher education. Advocates for reform argue that such preferences can perpetuate intergenerational privilege and limit opportunities for students who do not come from legacy backgrounds. 

As the investigation unfolds, the nation will closely monitor the US Education Department’s findings and potential recommendations. The outcome of this inquiry could have far-reaching implications for college admissions practices across the country, influencing how universities approach legacy preferences and their efforts to promote diversity and inclusion. 

Harvard’s legacy admissions investigation is part of a larger national conversation about the role of universities in addressing structural inequalities in education. Calls for reform and greater transparency in admissions processes have amplified in recent years, urging institutions to adopt more equitable practices that promote access to higher education for all. 

While the investigation focuses on Harvard’s specific practices, its outcome may serve as a catalyst for broader discussions about affirmative action, legacy preferences, and the pursuit of a more just and inclusive higher education system in the United States. The Education Department’s efforts to ensure fair admissions practices align with the nation’s ongoing commitment to fostering equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or familial connections. 

As the inquiry progresses, it will be essential to strike a delicate balance between honoring institutional traditions and embracing progressive reforms that advance social justice in academia. The future of legacy admissions at Harvard and beyond hinges on finding common ground between tradition and transformation in the pursuit of educational excellence and inclusivity. 

Travis Scott: From the Stage to the Drawing Board

Travis Scott: From the Stage to the Drawing Board

Image credit: Christian Bertrand /

Travis Scott, the charismatic and trendsetting artist, is known for his musical prowess. However, the ‘La Flame’ has more than just beats and lyrics up his sleeve. In a recent interview with Chris Heath for GQ, Scott revealed his plans to dive into the realm of architectural design after his Circus Maximus Tour.

From Music to Architecture

Scott has always been a multifaceted personality. While his music has been captivating audiences worldwide, architecture, it seems, has been silently brewing in his heart. He plans to enroll at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world – Harvard University – to pursue his architectural dreams.

“I’m going to Harvard for architecture school,” he said, noting that he’s already taken a couple of visits to the school and has researched the admissions process. “I got to work hard to get in. They’re not letting me take any shortcuts.”

The Transition Phase

The transition from music to architecture is not going to be a cakewalk. However, Scott is ready to embrace this challenge head-on. He plans to begin his architectural journey as soon as his ongoing tour concludes.

Scott is not just dabbling in architecture; he plans to move to Boston and study full-time for four years to master this new passion. The dedication and commitment Scott shows towards his new venture are indeed commendable.

The Fascination with Structures

Scott’s interest in architecture isn’t a sudden revelation. He’s been intrigued by structural design and engineering for quite some time.

Interestingly, architecture wasn’t Scott’s first non-musical interest. As a child, he was fascinated by the idea of becoming a nephrologist. He was inspired by a friend’s uncle who was a nephrologist.

“I was like, Yeah, I want to be that.”

However, his love for music eventually took center stage, and he dropped out of the University of Texas at San Antonio to pursue his musical career. Scott also reflected on the Astroworld Festival crowd crush in 2021, which resulted in the death of ten of his fans. He expressed his devastation over the incident and how it affected his music-making process.


Travis Scott‘s journey is a testament to his individuality and his relentless pursuit of different passions. His decision to study architecture at Harvard is a bold move that further cements his unique persona. As fans, we can only wait to see how he amalgamates his love for music and architecture in the future.

Whether it’s his music or his newfound love for architecture, one thing’s for sure – Travis Scott will continue to break boundaries and inspire millions with his creativity and nonconformity.