Woman falsely jailed for cocaine gets $1M award

Woman falsely jailed for cocaine gets $1M award

A federal jury has awarded a Georgia woman $1 million after being arrested on false allegations of cocaine possession. The woman, who hasn’t been identified, spent five months in jail before the Georgia Bureau of Investigation determined that the white powder found in her car wasn’t cocaine.

On Thursday, a federal jury agreed that the woman had been falsely accused and awarded her $1 million in damages. “This verdict is a powerful reminder that our justice system relies on police officers telling the truth,” The woman’s attorney, Bruce Hagen, said in a statement.

The woman’s lawyer said she was “thrilled” with the verdict and that the money would help her get her life back on track. “This is a life-changing amount of money for our client, who has suffered tremendously as a result of her false arrest and imprisonment,” he said. “We hope that this verdict will send a message to law enforcement that they cannot violate people’s rights with impunity.”

“When they don’t, innocent people go to jail and lives are turned upside down.” The woman sued the city of Atlanta and the arresting officer, claiming she was a victim of racial discrimination and false imprisonment in search of cocaine. “We are very disappointed in the verdict but respect the jury’s decision,” Atlanta city attorney Bernard A. Taylor Jr. said in a statement.

Police officer convicted of killing Atatiana Jefferson

Police officer convicted of killing Atatiana Jefferson

As previously reported on Oct. 12, 2019, Atatiana Jefferson was shot and killed in her Texas home by a cop. Yesterday (Dec. 20), former Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean was sentenced to nearly 12 years in prison for the fatal shooting of Atatiana Jefferson. Jefferson, a 28-year-old black woman, was shot and killed by Dean, a white police officer, while she was inside her home. The shooting occurred after police received a call about an “open structure” at Jefferson’s home.

This is the first time a police officer in Texas has been convicted of murder for an on-duty shooting in nearly 40 years, according to The New York Times. Dean resigned from the police force hours before he was arrested and charged with murder in October 2019. He pleaded guilty earlier this month. In a statement released after the sentencing, Jefferson’s family said they were “satisfied” with the outcome but that “nothing will bring Atatiana back.” “We hope that her tragic death will shine a light on the actions of police officers and how they treat people of color,” the statement continued. “It is our sincere hope that no other family will have to go through what we have had to endure.”

In October, a Texas grand jury indicted Dean on a charge of murder, to which he pleaded not guilty. However, in November, he accepted a plea deal that reduced the charge to manslaughter. At his sentencing yesterday, Dean apologized to Jefferson’s family, saying “I am sorry for taking Atatiana’s life.” Atatiana Jefferson’s family had asked for the maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, but Dean was sentenced to 11 years and 8 months behind bars.

Colorado hotel employees racially profiled Mark Curry

Colorado hotel employees racially profiled Mark Curry

Since comedian Mark Curry went public with his story of being racially profiled by staff at The Mining Exchange A Wyndham Grand Hotel & Spa in Colorado, he has been flooded with support from fans and fellow celebrities. Mark Curry recounted the incident on “The D.L. Hughley Show,” alleging that he was asked to show multiple forms of ID before being allowed to enter the hotel lobby. When he asked why he was being singled out, Mark Curry claims the employee told him it was because he “fit the description” of someone who had been causing trouble at the hotel.

The comedian said he was “shocked” and “humiliated” by the encounter and has since filed a complaint with the hotel. He also praised the show’s host, D.L. Hughley, for speaking out about similar experiences he’s had with racial profiling. The outpouring of support for Curry has been overwhelming, with many people taking to social media to express their outrage at the treatment he allegedly received.

ome have even vowed to boycott the hotel until they issue a public apology to Mark Curry and implement policies to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. It’s clear that this story has struck a nerve with many people, and it’s great to see so many people standing up for what’s right.

Mark Curry shared his story on social media, and it quickly went viral. He has since been inundated with messages of support from people all over the world. The Mining Exchange A Wyndham Grand Hotel & Spa has issued a statement saying they are “deeply troubled” by the incident and are conducting an investigation. They have also reached out to Curry to apologize and offer him a free stay at the hotel.

Brittney Griner returns to basketball court after Russian imprisonment

Brittney Griner returns to basketball court after Russian imprisonment

It didn’t take long for Brittney Griner to hit the basketball court after returning to the United States. According to ESPN, Brittney Griner arrived at Fort Sam in Houston on Tuesday and immediately went to a local basketball court to play. This is the first time Griner has played basketball since she was imprisoned in Russia for over 9 months.

She was seen shooting hoops and working on her game just hours after her return. This comes as a relief to many who were concerned about Griner’s well-being after she was sentenced to two years in a Russian prison following a fight with another woman. “It feels good to be back home and able to play basketball again,” Griner told ESPN. “I’m just happy to be out here.” Brittney Griner said in a recent interview.

But thanks to some quick work by the U.S. State Department, she was released and able to return home. Now that she’s back, it will be interesting to see how Griner fares in the WNBA this season. She’s already one of the league’s best players, but this ordeal will no doubt be a distraction. Either way, it’s good to see her back on the court and doing what she loves.

It’s great to see Brittney Griner doing what she loves and staying positive despite everything she’s been through. We’re wishing her all the best as she continues to recover from this ordeal.

Derek Chauvin Former police officer sentenced to 3.5 years for kneeling on George Floyd’s back

Derek Chauvin Former police officer sentenced to 3.5 years for kneeling on George Floyd’s back

The former police officer Derek Chauvin who kneeled on George Floyd’s back has been sentenced to a little over three years in prison, AP News reports. The sentence was handed down by a judge in Minneapolis on Thursday. The former officer, Derek Chauvin, was found guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter in Floyd’s death last May.

The judge ruled that Derek Chauvin’s crimes were aggravated by the fact that he acted with particular cruelty, given that George Floyd was “particularly vulnerable” while lying on the ground with his hands handcuffed behind his back. This is far less than the maximum sentence of 40 years that Derek Chauvin was facing, but it is still a significant prison sentence for his actions. The judge in the case said that Derek Chauvin’s actions were “heinous” and “horrible,” and that he showed a “depraved mind.”

This is far from the justice that many activists and members of the public have demanded, but it is a step in the right direction. Chauvin’s sentencing sends a strong message that police officers will be held accountable for their actions, and it may deter other officers from using excessive force in the future.

George Floyd’s death sparked nationwide protests against police brutality and racial injustice, and led to a number of reforms being enacted at the local, state, and federal levels.