A Texas Family’s Struggle in the Aftermath of Road Rage

A Texas Family’s Struggle in the Aftermath of Road Rage

In a disconcerting incident that unfolded on Texas roads, a family’s tranquility was shattered when a road rage altercation escalated into a disturbing display of aggression, complete with alleged racial slurs and a menacing display of firearms. As we delve into this distressing episode, we shed light on the emotional turmoil experienced by the victims, their resilience, and the urgent need for awareness and change. Paraphrased Excerpt: A Texas family finds themselves caught in a harrowing ordeal after an incident of road rage spirals out of control, culminating in the menacing presence of a gun-wielding individual. The victim, choosing to remain anonymous, breathed a sigh of relief as the surveillance footage from a nearby gas station captured a significant portion of the traumatic encounter.

A Terrifying Confrontation:

On a fateful Tuesday (June 20), an African American woman in Texas became the target of an alarming incident that would forever etch itself into her memory. Following a minor collision, Kevin Roth, a 30-year-old man, pursued her relentlessly to a gas station, brandishing a firearm along the way. The victim, her emotions teetering on the edge, would soon discover the true depths of the threat she faced. The Weight of Surveillance: Amid the chaos and fear, the gas station’s surveillance cameras became an inadvertent ally, capturing pivotal moments that would provide crucial evidence of the perpetrator’s actions. The victim’s decision to remain unidentified is a testament to the anxiety and vulnerability felt by marginalized communities in the aftermath of such traumatizing encounters.

Navigating Trauma:

Instances like these force us to confront the lasting impact of racially charged violence. While the victim’s name remains concealed, her experience serves as a stark reminder of the countless individuals who endure similar ordeals, often without the benefit of video evidence. It is through their courage and resilience that we gain insight into the urgent need to address the systemic issues that perpetuate such incidents. Fighting Injustice: In the face of adversity, communities affected by racial discrimination and violence continue to advocate for change. Paraphrasing testimonials and anecdotes, we strive to encapsulate their collective struggle without directly quoting specific individuals. These narratives emphasize the lasting trauma inflicted by racial hostility and the urgent necessity to dismantle the deeply entrenched biases that enable it.

A Call for Awareness and Transformation:

This distressing incident prompts us to reevaluate the importance of fostering awareness and education around issues of racial justice. By shedding light on personal experiences and promoting empathy, we can work towards eradicating the pervasive prejudice that plagues our society. It is only through comprehensive change, both in individual attitudes and systemic reform, that we can hope to create a safer and more inclusive world. Conclusion: The road rage incident that unfolded in Texas serves as a haunting reminder of the alarming presence of racial animosity in our communities. As we reflect on the trauma endured by the victims, we are compelled to stand united against racism and violence. By amplifying their experiences, fostering empathy, and driving transformative change, we can strive to create a future where such incidents become relics of the past, and social justice prevails.

Judge Sets Final Rules Ahead of Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Judge Sets Final Rules Ahead of Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Protesting for social justice and human right violation is common in the USA. Protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin resulted in casualties during the demos. Following the shooting incident, Rittenhouse was arrested and accused of shooting two people while injuring a third. 

Presiding over the Rittenhouse, Judge Bruce Schroeder set out some rules of the trial proceedings. Being a suspect in the shooting, the 18-year-old Illinois native, Rittenhouse, was arrested and accused of homicide. Preparing for the commencement of the trial, Judge Bruce Schroeder set the terminology that will not be used in the courtroom. 

Issuing the trial rules, the judge further allowed the use of force expert John Black to testify. Testifying was restricted to the timeline of events on the night of the incident. It will not include telling the court or what Rittenhouse was thinking. 

Listening to Kyle Rittenhouse’s homicide case is expected to last for two weeks, and a jury selection will take place on 1st November 2021.  

During the arrest, the accused was aged 17 and will answer charges of homicide and possession of a weapon as a minor. Proceeding will also allow review of footage of interactions by the accused with police.  

Shocking revelations confess to police appreciating armed militia, including the accused. 

This article was penned by Jonathan P. Wright. Jonathan is a freelance writer for multiple mainstream publications and CVO of RADIOPUSHERS. You can read more of his work by clicking here.  

Media Maven ReddRoxx empowers, educates, and inspires with 10 Bad Bitch Commandments

Media Maven ReddRoxx empowers, educates, and inspires with 10 Bad Bitch Commandments

There nothing more beautiful than a woman’s strength and grace. God designed women with sensibilities and emotional intelligence, which balances humankind’s power structure. Women are teachers of children, guidance counselors, power players in Wall Street, and goddesses of love. A woman creates an ultra-unique euphoria that stimulates and illuminates her sheer power. Women are the most coveted possessions on planet earth, and everything revolves around their cosign.   

A woman’s presence can control and dominate a room full of people without her saying a word. The eyes of a confident woman are a priceless and unforgettable image. In 2021, women are creating jobs, winning Oscar awards, leading social justice protests, impacting podcasting via iHeartRadio and Spotify. The National Football League and National Basketball Association have implemented women in higher ranking positions of management.   

Media Maven/Author ReddRoxx released one of the most influential self-empowerment books with 10 Bad B*tch Commandments. ReddRoxx’s life is a transparent reflection of personal struggles, pain, financial independence, and self-empowerment. ReddRoxx’s mission with 10 Bad B*tch Commandments is to educate, inspire, and women to optimize every aspect of life. 10 Bad B*tch Commandments analyze ‘ten’ critical components of the life development cycle: 







Mental Health 




10 Bad B*tch Commandments is a partnership between self-awareness and self-worth.  10 Bad B*tch Commandments impact amongst women is incalculable.  10 Bad B*tch Commandments reviews have garnered 5-star reviews and critical acclaim from countless premium media outlets. 10 Bad B*tch Commandments lessons and content enables women to actualize their greatness and provide mental stimulation to break perceived glass ceilings. 10 Bad B*tch Commandments educates women to understand their life is limitless and all possibilities are convertible reality opportunities.  

ReddRoxx maintains plans to launch a virtual seminar symposium that focuses on each commandment and provides an intimate look at her lifestyle. ReddRoxx press run for 10 Bad B*tch Commandments has generated attention from media giants. ReddRoxx recently sat down with Fox 5 KVVU-TV and highlighted the importance of 10 Bad B*tch Commandments. 10 Bad B*tch Commandments is available worldwide via Amazon here  

This article was penned by Jonathan P. Wright. Jonathan is a freelance writer for multiple mainstream publications and CVO of RADIOPUSHERS. You can read more of his work by clicking here.

Jay-Z opens up about New York making marijuana legal

Jay-Z opens up about New York making marijuana legal

On Wednesday March 31, New York became the 15th state to permit recreational marijuana use, which preceded Oregon and Washington State by a day later in going this month. The legislation was signed the day after the bill was passed in Albany by the New York governor Andrew Cuomo on the eve of its effective date. According to Governor Cuomo, this bill will result in an estimated of to have the addition of approximately 60,000 jobs and a total of $350 million of annual tax revenue.

As for the new rules on this issue, the maximum amount of cannabis adults that can legally possess, the allowable limit of three ounces of marijuana is raised while the use of it is allowed in places where it is permitted, while it is a man’s home has been submitted.

A maximum of three plants is permitted while it is being grown. Funds to benefit that is provided for new bills for the cities affected by the war on drugs are making commitments to put money back into neighborhoods formerly devastated by the war on marijuana.

Of which class, roughly 40% of new tax revenues from drug sales will be used to benefit African-American, and minority communities will be erased, and previous marijuana convictions would be removed.

The media has reported that JAY-Z, who has recently started his own Monogram brand, seems to be high on the stories He told The Grio, “It is incredibly exciting that (to him) for the Empire State of Mind that the state is considering legalizing marijuana.

JAY heralded that it is a long-overdue opportunity for New Yorkers, the cannabis industry, and a very important opportunity for social equity and social justice.

“I’ve seen first-hand the harm that has been done to the black and minority communities because of the drug war in the streets of New York, which are littered with generations. Today, I am delighted to see that my home state is helping pave the way for a new and fair cannabis market in a profitable and healthy direction.”

The business opportunities for medical marijuana businesses in the state are virtually endless. Hov has created a parent company that has become one of the most notable American marijuana players to help narrow the distribution gap between the haves and have-haves by adopting a comprehensive strategy. This will be Mr. Carter’s new position as CEO of The Parent Company and will call for him to push forward an ambitious initiative that has already committed to invest $10 million into Black and other minority business leaders of social equity. two percent of the parent company’s profits will also be allocated for diversity purposes

Steve Allan, CEO of The Parent Company, said, “JAY-Z has been extremely helpful to us in getting us started.” He says Jay-Z gets it in his conversation with Jay, and Allan supplied additional information to The Grio about Jay’s awareness that he comprehends the mission of addressing his viewers. Of course, this is only to say, JAY-Z is making the most of it in our social venture.

After reading about the JAY’s experience with regard to the War on Drugs, a quote from Jay is above the application form on Parent Company Social Ventures’ site says, “We were the ones most negatively affected by it, and America has built a successful billion-dollar business from our misfortune. I want to do something in a concrete way, so I decided to expand the concept to something more substantial. Individuals who are considering investment opportunities with The Parent Company can apply online directly here.

RESULTSANDNOHYPE Magazine and MUZIQUE Magazine are closely following this story.



Acknowledging your vulnerabilities and insecurities enables an individual to heal, inspire, and champion insurmountable demons.  Music is therapy and heals wounds the world can’t see on a person’s body.  Certain types of pain never end and fuels a person’s mission in life to succeed.  Misery attracts drug dependencies, inauthentic friends and creates an alternate reality.  

Nothing can replace a mother’s loss in a man’s life; it’s an indescribable burn that never extinguishes.   

Major Recording Artist Ttgfred possesses a matchless music talent for transforming dark tragedies into poetic lyrics of aspiration.  His latest commercial album release ‘Chelle Son’ echoes the spiritual motivation and influence of his later mother ‘Chelle.’   

‘Losing’ reflects a raw and transparent examination of Ttgfred’s trials and tribulations. His lyrics instantly reach a listener’s soul first and sonically mesmerizes their imagination.  As you read the verses below, TtgFred’s God-given talent is undisputed.   

“I got a hole in my chest, I’m so dark and depressed about myself 

No matter how hard I try I’m losing 

Drug killing me I can’t stop losing  

I pray for protection  

But I keep my Uzi 

The year 2020 has been full of heartache, unimaginable human loss of life, financial turmoil, COVID-19, and a demand for social justice reform.  Ttgfred reflects the power of perseverance and the new face of Millennial freedom in 2020.  Ttgfred’s team consists of natural-born leaders, and all are committed to empowering, inspiring, and educating the world via his music.   

Dream Lab Global Agency provides strategic management, digital branding, and corporate joint venture acquisitions for Ttgfred.  Dream Lab Global and Ttgfred create an undeniable Hip-Hop force of nature. RADIOPUSHERS, one of the premier music monetization agencies for Millennials, secured Ttgfred as a Millennial Global Advocate.   

Ttgfred’s creative genius fuels his animal ambition and get rich or die trying mentality.  The legacy of Ttgfred’s mother lives through music and future children. ‘Chelle Son’ represents a new level of Hip-Hop music.