
San Francisco Bakery’s Bold Stand: A Twist in the Tale of Social and Racial Justice 

by | Aug 31, 2023 | Latest, Social Justice | 0 comments

A bakery in San Francisco, known for its delightful street food, is making headlines. But not for its scrumptious pastries or mouth-watering cakes. The bakery, Reem’s California, has stirred up a storm with its unique policy: a refusal to serve police officers

The Tweet that Sparked Controversy 

A tweet from the San Francisco Police Officers Association (SPOA) spokesperson relayed the surprising incident. An officer in uniform was denied service at Reem’s. The tweet blasted out the bakery’s policy, “NO COPS ALLOWED.” 

“NO COPS ALLOWED. That’s the confirmed policy of the bakery chain Reem’s. One of our officers was denied service last weekend because he was in uniform. Reem’s confirms that they will not serve anyone armed and in uniform. Presumably, this includes members of the U.S. Military.” 

Reem’s California: The Stand for Social and Racial Justice 

Reem’s is not just any ordinary bakery. It’s a local Arab company deeply committed to uplifting social and racial justice. In a statement to the San Francisco Gate, a spokesperson from Reem’s elucidated the company’s stand. 

“This includes fostering an environment of safety for our staff and customers,” it continued. “In a time of increased gun violence — particularly impacting people of color, youth, and queer people — we believe that maintaining a strict policy of prohibiting guns in our restaurant keeps us safer.” 

The policy, as per the company’s perspective, is a tool to protect its community from the escalating gun violence. 

The Impact of Gun Violence 

The San Francisco based company added that many in their community have been direct or indirect victims of gun violence. Whether it’s the streets of San Francisco or Oakland or the broader repercussions of war and political extremism, the impact is palpable. 

The victims are often marginalized people – the black and brown population, the poor, and the vulnerable. At Reem’s, the aim is to create a safe and welcoming space. A place where the community can savor delicious Arab food and work together to strengthen their bonds. 

A Call to the Community 

Reem’s invites its community to join them in fostering a culture of care and resilience. It’s a call to step up, to stand together, and to build a community free from fear of violence or harassment. 

SPOA Response 

The SPOA, on the other hand, has requested Reem’s and any other business with similar policies to display their stance openly. This way, the officers would know where not to spend their money, on or off duty. 

The Deeper Implications 

This incident throws light on the broader issues of social justice and racial justice that persist in our society. It’s a reflection of the deep-seated prejudices, fears, and divisions that continue to plague us. 

But above all, it’s a call to action. It’s a reminder that every individual, every business, and every institution has a role to play in shaping a just and equitable society. 

Final Thoughts 

In the heart of San Francisco, a bakery is making a stand. It’s not about pastries or cakes, but about social and racial justice. It’s about creating an environment of safety and acceptance. It’s about standing up against gun violence. It’s about fostering a culture of care and resilience. 

Perhaps it’s time we all take a moment to reflect on what we can do to contribute to this change. Because, in the end, every action counts. 

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