Cops use pepper spray against man for recording arrest of son, sued

Cops use pepper spray against man for recording arrest of son, sued

A man in Texas filed a lawsuit against two cops, as they pepper sprayed him for taking a video of his son’s arrest. It was to his grandmother’s house that Dylan Puente was driving on August 15, and cops pulled him over and issued a ticket as he made a right turn that was wide. After he decided to roll up his window, Sergeant Blake Shimanek arrested the 22-year-old, stating he was acting suspicious.   

In Minnesota, Whites-only church opened

In Minnesota, Whites-only church opened

A whites-only church was approved by a city council, which will now be opened in Murdock, Minnesota. But according to reports, this is being fought against by the 280 residents. Reports have stated that the Asatru Folk Assembly practices a religion that is not Christian and can be traced back to Northern Europe.