Right around 200 officials have applied to leave the Minneapolis Police Department. It's been right around two months since George
“I think you are exactly where you are supposed to be,” Judge Mary Ellen Brennan said A Michigan judge has
Philip Sarner and Emily Orbay are blamed for assaulting Crystal Caldwell on June 26. A white New York couple was
Grace was sent to an adolescent detainment in Michigan, which has seen record-high COVID-19 cases among prisoners. A Black high
Danroy Henry was shot and executed by a white cop in 2010. Rihanna and JAY-Z are among the rundown of
Daniel Lewis Lee died by deadly infusion on Tuesday (July 14) in the nation's first government execution since 2003. White
Governor Cuomo is as yet encouraging New York occupants to continue wearing mask covers and keep up social distancing practices.
City Councilman Justin Brannan is requiring a full examination concerning the episode. Video has surfaced of a NYPD officer tasing
Love is a dangerous game, and most people play not to lose. It takes a lifetime to earn a person’s
Allentown Police Department shared their use of force policy earlier this month. Not exactly a month after Allentown Police Department