Hemp Hop is a CBD brand rolled out by Rick Ross and James Lindsay

Hemp Hop is a CBD brand rolled out by Rick Ross and James Lindsay

The author of this article has written an introduction to the company Rick Ross and company’s James Lindsay have partnered with, Hempacco. They hope that through this venture, they will be able to disrupt the tobacco industry and spread CBD (cannabidiol) legalization across the nation. The duo believes that there is a market for hemp functional CBD-infused hemp cigarettes. 

Rick Ross and Hemp Snacks Founder Roll Out CBD Brand 

CBD, the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis plants that can help alleviate pain and reduce or eliminate negative side effects of marijuana use, is coming to life. CBD is a compound that has been known as ‘The Holiday Spice’ for its ability to boost mood and reduce anxiety.  Natural substances like oils and edibles are made from it to enhance a sense of calm and relaxation for the user. While delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal active ingredient in marijuana, is considered to be its cousin, the cannabis compound CBD is not psychoactive. 

Why is Hemp considered a game changer 

You may have heard CBD use terms like cannabis, marijuana, and hemp as part of its marketing. Cannabis sativa is the genus name of the plant, and there are two distinct species between them. Although both hemp and marijuana contain CBD, hemp has a much higher percentage of CBD, which corresponds to a low level of THC, which is significantly lower than that of marijuana. 

Hemp oil is basically the oil that’s derived from hemp seeds. I think it’s important to note that hemp oil contains no active cannabinoids, like CBD or THC. With loads of nutritional fats in it, this ingredient often appears in beauty products due to its moisturizing qualities. 

Benefits of CBD 

CBD has helped many people find relief from certain ailments and diseases, while also experiencing cognitive improvements. The most common use of CBD is through its oil, which can legally be grown in the United States. 

Rick Ross and Lindsay James are a dream team for Hempacco 

Jorge Olson, CMO, and co-founder of Hempacco welcomes the branding and monetization power of Rick Ross and Lindsay James. Understanding their global impact, the expectations are extremely high for 2022.  

With his Rap Snacks brand, Lindsay brings to the table more than twenty years of marketing and business experience. 

Vanessa Bryant lawsuit takes a new twist with a psychiatric exam

Vanessa Bryant lawsuit takes a new twist with a psychiatric exam

Vanessa Bryant might have to take psychiatric exam for lawsuit over helicopter crash photos 

In the latest court case regarding a helicopter crash, onlookers Vanessa Bryant and her family members were suing a CBS News station for a report that implied they coached their daughter’s public trauma. Inside Edition found a network of hidden cameras behind a warehouse door which revealed what might have been going on prior to the accident – with the footage being online for all to see. As an interesting twist, after Bryant is forced to take an emotional-stress test as part of pre-trial proceedings, it is revealed she might have to take psychiatric exam for lawsuit over helicopter crash photos 

To determine whether Vanessa is competent to defend the lawsuit against them, the Los Angeles County has requested she be evaluated by a psychiatric specialist. On Jan. 26, 2020, there was a fatal accident in Calabasas, California which killed Kobe, Gianna, and seven other passengers. The case stems from employees of the county fire department and sheriff’s department who shared pictures of the scene. 

What caused the crash? 

As a result of LA County’s interest, Vanessa and others in the suit are being asked to take the exam, to determine if the emotional distress they feel was a result of the post or the accident itself. Currently, Los Angeles claims that it is the latter that was the case. 

Is the family suing the media? 

In accordance with Los Angeles County, Bryant and the others are suing them for money that amounts to tens of millions of dollars in a lawsuit that revolves around the effect that the January 2020 events had on them psychologically. It is alleged by them, however, that Vanessa and her company have refused to submit to independent medical exams despite all of this. Accordingly, a trial is expected to start in February.   

Kobe Bryant turns 43 

Only a few months ago, Kobe Bryant would have turned 43. A picture of Vanessa and Kobe was used as a part of an Instagram post that was published on that day as a commemorative post for that momentous occasion. 

Wilde Tuna Artist SPotlight Rabzdied: What You Need to Know	About Him

Wilde Tuna Artist SPotlight Rabzdied: What You Need to Know About Him

Rabzdied is a Long Island, New York based artist who is never afraid of showing his emotions via his music. So that his fans can get to know what it actually feels to struggle with love. Commonly, his lyrics are all over piano melodies, punchy 808s and ear-pleasing guitar, but you can also experience stripped down versions of his music.

He can bring energy and feel to every track. Paranoid is the latest music video by Rabzdied, directed by John Fitzpatrick. This music video is based on the theme “finding way back to home”. However, the Rabzdied showed how we keep distracting by temptations while finding the way.

He started rapping during his high school, while he has been writing since 15. But he didn’t release any

music until he completed his graduation.

However, the next single that will be released before the end of this year is “Don’t leave me”. In this music video Rabzdied wants to show how it feels to deal with your insecurities when you are in a relationship with the one who has other plans.

Rabzdied would love to work with The Kid Laroi and Charlie Puth. Because he feels that Charlie Puth can create some different vibes and he would love to experiment with his music. However, The Kid Laroi never misses to show off his emotions through his music.

Rabzdied is also learning music production, but currently he is working with producers Hennytrack and OVRCZ. He loves to find talented local producers because he wants to create opportunities for people who are finding it difficult to get a way to showcase their talent.

The greatest achievement for Rabzdied was when his music was streamed at Hot 97 radio station.

Even though Rabzdied has recorded multiple music records, but now he wants to broaden his audience. Therefore, he is working on his style transition from heavily alternative to alternatively influenced with modern drums and soulful melodies.

Throughout Rabzdied’s childhood, Mac Miller was his inspiration musically. But after the biggest incident of his life he started listening to the juice wrld to get different vibes. From here, he learnt to show his emotions via music.

When the house of Rabzdied was broken, this was the biggest challenging part of his life. Because every valuable of him was taken away. Even someone who knows closely was turned against him. At that time, he became more dedicated towards his passion for music. Undoubtedly, this incident became a turning point in the life of Rabzdied.

Currently, Rabzdied is working independently. He isn’t against labels, but he believes that it’s better to

work independently until you are going to establish yourself as an individual artist as much as possible.

He always wants people to learn to never be afraid of talking about the real shit. It is common to deal with stress, depression and anxiety, but never let that eat you alive. Because everyone outside is strong enough to deal with them effectively.

A three-year probationary term is also imposed on Lee Mouat

A three-year probationary term is also imposed on Lee Mouat

A three-year probationary term is also imposed on Lee Mouat. 

It has been announced that Lee James Mouat was sentenced to prison for attacking a Black teen. Earlier this week (July 8), a U.S. According to a District Court judge, the white 43-year-old defendant will serve five years in prison and three years of probation. 

Last June, Lee Mouat observed Devin Freelon and some friends at Sterling State Park in Detroit playing loud music and confronted them about the volume. Racial slurs were thrown, for example, “Black lives don’t matter” and “Ni**ers don’t belong on this beach,” then he left the premises, later returning with a bike lock to attack Freelon. 

In the course of the attack, he knocked out three of the teenager’s teeth before hitting one of his friends. The young man also suffered a broken jaw and injuries to his face and mouth in addition to his missing teeth. Several dental procedures were carried out in the local hospital following his treatment of cuts. 

The difficulty of seeing your son every day without teeth, especially when he is only 19 years old, Devin Freelon Sr. previously told NBC affiliate WDIV-TV. It’s something that no one should experience. 

Lee Mouat admitted to being motivated by race when he committed an act of bodily harm against a victim in March and pleaded guilty to willful causing bodily injury. According to the plea deal terms, the 43-year-old was initially facing up to ten years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. As a result of his sentencing announcement, he learned that he would serve half of his time in prison. 

Deputy U.S. Attorney Saima Mohsin called Lee Mouat’s behavior “disturbing” for his cowardly and unprovoked attack on the victim. The right of every citizen to live without fear of violence or attack based solely upon his or her skin color must be taken seriously.” 

This article was penned by Jonathan P. Wright. Jonathan is a freelance writer for multiple mainstream publications and CVO of RADIOPUSHERS. You can read more of his work by clicking here.